最新的Android版本是什么? 以及如何更新到当前的Android操作系统?
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Over the last few years, Android OS has come to dominate the mobile OS landscape with . The system provides high-performing and secure usage and comes with regular version updates with new features.

在过去的几年中, 年,Android OS占据了移动OS领域的主导地位, 。 该系统提供高性能和安全的使用,并带有带有新功能的常规版本更新。

Because of this, many Android users want to know how to check their current Android version and update it to the latest one.


So in this article, we will learn how to figure out which version your smartphone is running and how to install an Android OS update. But before that let’s get a quick overview of the history of Android versions.

因此,在本文中,我们将学习如何确定您的智能手机正在运行哪个版本以及如何安装Android OS更新。 但是在此之前,让我们快速了解一下Android版本的历史。

Android操作系统简史 (A Brief History of the Android Operating System)

Google first introduced the revolutionary Android operating system as an alternative to Apple’s iOS in late 2008.


Since it’s existed, Android has had 12 versions since its humble beginning with sometimes even more than one release in a year.


The constant support from Google developers made the system the top OS with almost 3 million apps in the Play Store. This helped switch Android app development from Java to Kotlin and ensured that and quite in demand on the market.

Google开发人员的持续支持使该系统成为Play商店中拥有近300万个应用程序的顶级操作系统。 这有助于将Android应用程序开发从Java切换到Kotlin,并确保且市场需求很大。

Here I've gathered an abridged listing to demonstrate how the operating system has been changing and evolving to provide users with advanced functionality. For much of its lifetime, the OS version was designated by a number and a codename.

在这里,我收集了一个简短的清单,以演示操作系统如何进行更改和发展以向用户提供高级功能。 在其整个生命周期的大部分时间内,操作系统版本都是由数字和代号指定的。

  • Android 1.0 to 1.1 - Google’s original mobile OS offered basic capability with integrated apps like Gmail, Maps, Calendar, and YouTube.

    Android 1.0至1.1 -Google最初的移动操作系统提供了基本功能,并集成了Gmail,地图,日历和YouTube等集成应用程序。

  • Android 1.5 or Cupcake - Released in early 2009, this was the first-named version of the OS. It included an on-screen keyboard and introduced the framework for third-party apps to be run on mobile devices.

    Android 1.5或Cupcake -2009年初发布,是操作系统的第一个版本。 它包括一个屏幕键盘,并介绍了可在移动设备上运行的第三方应用程序的框架。

  • Android 2.0-2.1 or Eclair - Version 2.0 added real-time traffic information, voice-guided navigation, and pinch-to-zoom capability to the OS.

    Android 2.0-2.1或Eclair -2.0版向操作系统添加了实时路况信息,语音导航和缩放功能。

  • Android 2.3 or Gingerbread - The 2010 release of this OS focused on the black and green interface as Android began to develop a distinctive look.

    Android 2.3或Gingerbread-该操作系统的2010年版本着重于黑色和绿色界面,因为Android开始展现出独特的外观。

  • Android 3.0-3.2 or Honeycomb - Released in 2011, this version of the operating system was specifically for tablet devices and introduced on-screen buttons.

    Android 3.0-3.2或Honeycomb-此版本的操作系统于2011年发布,专门针对平板电脑设备,并引入了屏幕按钮。

  • Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich - This was a unified OS for phones and tablets all released in 2011 which featured a holographic appearance and made extensive use of swiping when using the system.

    Android 4.0或Ice Cream Sandwich-这是2011年发布的手机和平板电脑的统一操作系统,具有全息外观,并且在使用该系统时大量使用了滑动功能。

  • Android 4.4 or Kit-Kat - Late 2013 saw this update which lightened the interface’s color scheme and introduced the world to “OK, Google” support.

    Android 4.4或Kit-Kat-2013年底看到了此更新 ,它简化了界面的配色方案,并向世界介绍了“ OK,Google”支持。

  • Android 5.0-5.1 or Lollipop - Major changes were made with 2014’s upgrade. Google introduced the card-based Material Design standard employed to unify the appearance of items displayed by the OS.

    Android 5.0-5.1或Lollipop - 2014年的升级进行了重大更改 。 Google引入了基于卡片的材料设计标准,该标准用于统一操作系统显示的项目外观。

  • Android 6.0 or Marshmallow - This relatively minor update in 2015 was the beginning of Google’s patterns of relaying a new, numbered version every year.

    Android 6.0或棉花糖 -2015年相对较小的更新是Google每年中继新的编号版本的模式的开始。

  • Android 7.0-7.1 or Nougat - 2016’s entry in the Android OS lexicon added native split-screen mode and launched Google Assistant.

    Android 7.0-7.1或Nougat - 2016年在 Android OS词典中的条目添加了本机分屏模式​​并启动了Google Assistant。

  • Android 9 or Pie - Google released this last-named version of Android in August of 2018. The most visible updates of this version for users were the large Home and small Back buttons to the user interface and .

    Android 9或Pie -Google在2018年8月发布了该姓氏的Android版本。此版本对用户而言最明显的更新是用户界面上的大型Home和Small Back按钮以及 。

  • Android 10 - is the last live version of OS and we will cover it in more detail below.

    Android 10-是OS的最后一个实时版本,我们将在下面详细介绍。

Android 10的主要功能 (Main Features of Android 10)

Android 10 was released on September 3, 2019. It has many new and improved features that are good reason to upgrade your Android OS if you are still using version 9.

Android 10于2019年9月3日发布。它具有许多新增功能和改进功能,如果您仍在使用版本9,则是升级Android OS的充分理由。

Here are of the current Android version.

以下是当前Android版本的 。

  • Live Caption gives users the ability to automatically caption media playing on your device.


  • Smart Reply helps streamline communication by suggesting responses and recommending actions.


  • Sound Amplifier lets you fine-tune the audio settings of your phone to allow you to hear more clearly.


  • Gesture Navigation introduces more intuitive ways to swipe and pull and provides added flexibility to the Android interface.


  • Dark Theme uses true black to save battery power and give your eyes a rest. Some users may prefer it to Android’s normal look.

    “深色主题”使用真黑色节省电池电量并让您的眼睛休息。 一些用户可能更喜欢Android的常规外观。

  • Enhanced security settings let you exert more control over the privacy of your data. You can control how data and location information is shared from the same settings area.

    增强的安全设置使您可以更好地控制数据的隐私。 您可以控制如何从同一设置区域共享数据和位置信息。

  • Digital Well-being is a tool that strives to help users find the right balance between work and the rest of their lives. It has features that can help you be more productive or unplug for some much-needed relaxation.

    数字健康是一种工具,致力于帮助用户在工作与生活之间找到适当的平衡。 它具有的功能可以帮助您提高生产力或拔掉电源,以进行一些急需的放松。

  • Focus mode is designed to help users stay focused on specific tasks by minimizing distractions. It lets you temporarily pause apps that may distract you by simply tapping on them.

    专注模式旨在通过最小化干扰来帮助用户专注于特定任务。 它可以让您暂时暂停可能会干扰您的应用程序,只需轻按一下它们即可。

  • Family Link enables digital ground rules to be set and can help parents guide their children’s online activities. Set limits on screen time, restrict content and manage apps for your family.

    Family Link可以设置数字基本规则,并可以帮助父母指导孩子的在线活动。 设置屏幕时间限制,限制内容并管理家人的应用程序。

If you have recently purchased a new Android comparable device, it probably came with Android 10 installed. If that is not the case, these features might persuade you that you need to update the Android OS on your phone or tablet.

如果您最近购买了新的Android同类设备,则可能安装了Android 10。 如果不是这种情况,这些功能可能会说服您需要更新手机或平板电脑上的Android OS。

检查您当前的Android操作系统并更新到版本10 (Checking Your Current Android OS and updating to Version 10)

When you are preparing to upgrade your mobile device, you need to know what is the latest Android OS version that can run on your machine. Some older devices may be restricted as to the version that they can handle.

当您准备升级移动设备时,您需要知道可以在您的计算机上运行的最新Android OS版本。 某些较旧的设备可能会限制其可处理的版本。

Depending on the type of device and its age, the method of obtaining an Android OS download may vary. Newer devices will receive updates more quickly and users of Google devices will get notifications when they are available.

根据设备的类型及其使用期限,获得Android OS下载的方法可能会有所不同。 较新的设备将更快地收到更新,并且Google设备的用户将在可用时收到通知。

Here’s how to update your Android OS. Some preliminary steps should be taken before performing the actual update.

这是更新您的Android操作系统的方法。 在执行实际更新之前,应采取一些初步步骤。

检查您的Android版本 (Check Your Android Version )

The exact steps needed to perform a version check will be determined by your type of device. You want to get to the About phone information which is found in the device’s Settings. The model number can also be found here and should be noted before you begin your update.

执行版本检查所需的确切步骤将由您的设备类型决定。 您想要进入在设备的设置中找到的关于电话信息。 型号编号也可以在此处找到,并且在开始更新之前应注明型号。

  1. Go to the Settings and scroll down to find out the System category.

    转到设置并向下滚动以找到“ 系统”类别。

2. In the System Settings section click on About device


3. Here scroll down to the end of list until you see Android version which means the version your mobile is running now.

3.在这里向下滚动到列表末尾,直到您看到Android版本 ,这意味着您的手机正在运行的版本。

If you decide to update your OS manually, here are a few tips to keep in mind before that:


Back up your data - You should be backing up your data regularly. Before an operating system upgrade is always a good time for a backup. You never know what might happen, so don’t take chances with your important data. Many backup apps are available. Get one and use it.

备份数据 -您应该定期备份数据。 在进行操作系统升级之前,始终是进行备份的好时机。 您永远都不知道会发生什么,因此不要冒险使用重要数据。 许多备份应用程序可用。 得到一个并使用它。

Verify your available space - The upgrade will detail how much space is necessary for your upgrade. Make sure you have enough space or move some things off of the device to free up enough for the update.

验证可用空间 -升级将详细说明升级所需的空间。 确保您有足够的空间或将某些物品从设备上移开以释放足够的空间来进行更新。

Updating the OS - If you have received an over-the-air (OTA) notification, you can simply open it up and tap the update button. You can also go to Check for Updates in Settings to initiate the upgrade.

更新操作系统 -如果您收到了无线(OTA)通知,则可以简单地将其打开并点击更新按钮。 您也可以转到“设置”中的 检查更新 以启动升级。

Note: Some users may prefer to root their device to obtain updates as soon as they are available as well as being able to have more control over the device and what apps run on it.


在Android 11中会有什么期待 (What to Expect in Android 11)

Even though there are considerable technical advances in version 10, Google plans to release the newest Android OS according to plan sometime in 2020. As you may have noticed, the company does not like to stand still.


Android 11 will focus on changes to privacy and security, application behavior, and new features including APIs. The operating system will provide support for 5G and foldable devices, positioning it to capitalize on the move to faster networks. Some specific features are:

Android 11将重点关注隐私和安全性,应用程序行为以及包括API在内的新功能的更改。 该操作系统将提供对5G和可折叠设备的支持,使其能够充分利用向更快的网络的迁移。 一些特定的功能是:

  • Biometric authentication capabilities to more securely protect your device;

  • Restricts repeatable permission requests to make apps more user-friendly;

  • Allows temporary permission to be given to the camera, microphone, and location services;

  • Apps can automatically run authentication and connect to an available secure WiFi hotspot;

  • Expanded camera support;

  • Chat bubbles can be turned on and off for individual apps.


These are just a few of the that the users will expect. App designers will also enjoy the extended functionality they can bring to their creations.

这些只是用户期望的中的一些。 应用程序设计师还将享受他们可以带给创作的扩展功能。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

Except in very rare cases, you should upgrade your Android device when new versions are released. Google consistently provided many useful improvements to the functionality and performance of new Android OS versions. If your device can handle it, you just might want to check it out.

除极少数情况外,当新版本发布时,您应该升级Android设备。 Google始终对新版Android OS的功能和性能进行了许多有用的改进。 如果您的设备可以处理它,您可能只想将其签出。



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